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Image by Jon Flobrant


The Life in the Land films & podcasts were produced to elevate voices, inform, & spark deeper dialogue on the featured themes.
Some of the ways you can utilize this FREE content:

  • Inspiration to supplement your gathering or meeting

  • Kick-off community discussions or workshops on creating or improving locally-led initiatives

  • Prompt dialogue to help your entity work more holistically & collaboratively with others

  • Introduce folks to some of the social & environmental dynamics in Montana and the West

  • In the classroom (high school, college, or adult learning)

  • Share with policymakers

  • Share with your potential funders to show the value in local collaborative efforts

If you use the content publicly, please fill out THIS SHORT FORM.

Resources for Hosting a Screening

Reach out to receive a FREE Screening & Discussion Guide or a Lesson Plan for high school, college, or continued education levels.


Community Screenings

Life in the Land has modest funding to help support communities or smaller organizations in hosting a film screening, post-film discussion, or Advocate Through Story workshop.
We can help with technical support, venue/refreshment costs, and work with local residents to facilitate a discussion in a way that is customized for your group's needs.

Advocate Through Story

The team behind Life in the Land & Stories for Action offers Advocate Through Story workshops!

A storytelling professional will guide your organization or community through a workshop that is customized for the needs of your group. This process can help with everything from internal mission building to approaching potential funders or increasing engagement. 


Elements can include:

  • Verbally articulate the story of your work or community

  • Clearly convey the story of your complex work in a way that connects with a variety of audiences; for use in daily conversations, website content, social media, film, grants, presentations, etc.

  • Entry level DIY video or audio storytelling "crash course"

  • Timing can range from 1 hour to 2 day workshops

  • Workshops can be conducted in conjunction with a Life in the Land film screening and discussion, or on their own, in-person or virtually.


Some of the ways Life in the Land has been utilized:

  • Community discussions in Dillon, Winnett, Browning, Seeley-Swan (virtual), Livingston, Red Lodge, Missoula, & more

  • Screened at the State Capital building for the 2023 Montana Legislative Session

  • The Roxy in Missoula, in coordination with Blackfoot Challenge (sold out show)

  • One episode was aired on public television in Ireland & England

  • Western Collaborative Conservation Network’s regional Confluence conference

  • Shared with local, state, and federal government entities

  • International Blackfoot Research Conference

  • Water in the West Workshop at the Museum of the Rockies

  • Shared with an international cohort of community leaders in a gathering hosted by BioRegions International & South North Nexus

  • Shared with new Montana residents or professionals new to working within the dynamics of Montana

  • Montana Forest Collaboration Network’s annual gathering

  • University of Montana’s Natural Resource Conflict Resolution Graduate Certificate program

  • Blackfeet Community College

  • High schools in Hays-Lodge Pole, Kalispell, Billings, and Browning

  • Leadership Montana 2022 cohort

  • Montana State University Extension: Q&A between Extension Agents and Blackfeet Nation agricultural producers

  • North American Congress for Conservation Biology

  • National Center for Appropriate Technology's Soil for Water Program

  • World Wildlife Fund's presentation for the Sacajawea Audubon Society 

  • The Big Hole Valley film was screened at the World Water Film Festival in New York City, held in coordination with the UN Water Conference

  • More than 12 Film Festivals located in Idaho, Wyoming, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Texas, Florida, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Italy, & India

  • International Wildlife Film Festival - 2022 & 2023

  • Various group settings including donor gatherings for featured entities

  • Shared with potential funders or the public by featured organizations

  • A Canadian organization will share with youth in Alberta, both Blackfeet tribal members & non-Native

  • Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative's Wild Film Fest


"You’re staging a series of productions that has the potential to change the mindset of Americans to recognize their responsibilities in promoting the enhancement of a working landscape through supporting and recognizing those of us that are stewarding their precious land for its and society's sake. Thanks for including me in this effort. It gives solace to those of us who have developed a land ethic based on what nature has taught us and the strength to embrace our responsibility as nature's and society's caretakers.           

- Jim Hagenbarth, featured voice, rancher, Big Hole Valley

“In this increasingly divisive and combative socio-political climate that we are in, Life in the Land shows that people of all backgrounds can come together and make effective change. It reminds us that no matter what happens on the political stage, we are all integrated into these ecosystems together.”            

-Rebecca Ramsey, featured voice, Swan Valley Connections

"The films themselves create a celebration for people who have been in on these efforts for many years, to see their stories reflected in a clear, compelling narrative. Expanding the outreach, screenings, and workshops is important for advancing the work that is featured as well as inspiring this approach elsewhere. Everywhere, we are hearing the drumbeat of people needing to tell their story. This is a really authentic answer to that call. It inspires others to think, 'I'd like to create a story like that in my community', where we can pull people together and create a community guided response to our own challenges." 

 - Bill Milton, featured voice, Rancher & Community Facilitator, Roundup, MT

"They are beautiful films and capture how the communities, people, and the landscapes are connected, and have to be, in order to flourish. Thank you for telling our stories!"

- Montana resident

“Life in the Land engages in a process which recognizes that all of us are connected to where we live. It brings a chance to work towards more connection with nature and human nature. It gets us the tool that uses science and publicity in ways that are effective to galvanize local communities.”                                          

- Cliff Montagne, BioRegions International

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